Selected Articles
Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Rosen, S., and Dellwo, V. (2017). Vowel recognition at fundamental frequencies up to 1 kHz reveals point vowels as acoustic landmarks, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142(2), 1025–1033.
Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Suter, H., Dellwo, V. (2016). Methodological issues in the acoustic analysis of steady-state vowels, in: Leemann, A., Kolly, M.-J., Schmid, S. and Dellwo, V. (Ed.) Trends in Phonetics and Phonology. Studies from German speaking Europe, 33–41.
Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2015). The phonological function of vowels is maintained at fundamental frequencies up to 880 Hz, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138(1), EL36–EL42.
Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2013). Rhythmische Variabilität bei synchronem Sprechen und ihre Bedeutung für die forensische Sprecheridentifizierung, Travaux neuchatelois de linguistique (TRANEL) 59, 149–166.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Friedrichs, D., Clark, A., Steinmetzger, K., Rosen, S. (2019) Assessing the cortical processing of spectrally rotated speech using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(4), 2954.
Friedrichs, D., Nolan, F., Rosen, S. (2019) Do listeners rely on dynamic spectral properties in the recognition of high-pitched vowels?, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(4), 3051.
Maurer, D., d'Heureuse, C., Suter, H., Dellwo, V., Friedrichs, D., Kathiresan, T. (2018). The Zurich Corpus of Vowel and Voice Quality, Version 1.0, in: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2018), 1417–1421.
Friedrichs, D., Rosen, S., Iverson, P., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2016). Mapping vowel categories at high fundamental frequencies using multidimensional scaling of cochlea-scaled spectra, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140(4), 3219.
Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2015). Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in minimal pairs, in: The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978–0– 85261–941–4. Paper number 0434, 1–5.
Maurer, D., Suter, Heidy, Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2015). Gender and age differences in vowel-related formant patterns: What happens if men, women, and children produce vowels on different and on similar F0?, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137(4), 2416.
Friedrichs, D., Maurer, D., Dellwo, V. (2014). Vowel discrimination at high fundamental frequencies in real speech, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135(4), 2422.
Maurer, D., Mok, P., Friedrichs, D., Dellwo, V. (2014). Intelligibility of high-pitched vowel sounds in the singing and speaking of a female Cantonese opera singer, in: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2014), 2132–2133.
Dellwo, V., Friedrichs, D. (2012). Variability of speech rhythm in synchronous speech, in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2012, Volume 2, 539–542.
Selected Communications
Fall 2019 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
San Diego, USA
Assessing the cortical processing of spectrally rotated speech using fNIRS
Fall 2019 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
San Diego, USA
Do listeners rely on dynamic spectral properties in the recognition of high-pitched vowels?
University of Cambridge, UK
Do listeners rely on dynamic spectral properties in the recognition of high-pitched vowels?
Invited Talk
Hyderabad, India
The Zurich Corpus of Voice and Vowel Quality, Version 1.0
Term 3 / 2018
University College London, UK
Studying the neural processing of speech perception using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Invited Talk
13th Phonetik und Phonologie
Berlin, Germany
Reorganisation of the auditory perceptual space across fundamental frequencies
5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Mapping vowel categories at high fundamental frequencies using multidimensional scaling of cochlea-scaled spectra
Martigny, Switzerland
Who says we need formants for vowel recognition?
Invited Talk
University College London, UK
Beyond formants: how vowel identity is maintained at fundamental frequencies above 500 Hz
Invited Talk
Michaelmas Term 2015 P&P Research Seminar
University of Cambridge, UK
Why high-pitched voices may lead to a better understanding of vowel perception
Invited Talk
18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences [ICPhS 2015]
Glasgow, Scotland
Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in word context
Spring 2015 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
What happens if men, women, and children produce vowels on different and on similar F0?
Konstanz, Germany
How stress-deaf are French compared to German listeners really?
Konstanz, Germany
Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in the context of minimal pairs
15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association [Interspeech 2014]
Intelligibility of high-pitched vowel sounds in the singing and speaking of a female Cantonese Opera singer
Show and Tell
Spring 2014 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
Providence, RI, USA
Vowel discrimination at high fundamental frequencies in real speech
Linguistischer Nachmittag of the Zurich Center for Linguistics [ZüKL]
Zurich, Switzerland
Acoustic analysis of vowel sounds: a new methodological approach
Zurich, Switzerland
Acoustic analysis of vowel sounds including extensive variation of fundamental frequency
Zurich, Switzerland
Acoustic characteristics of voice in music and straight theatre: conceptions and questions
19th International Congress of Linguists
Geneva, Switzerland
Perception of French accentuation by Swiss German and Standard German speakers
Speech Prosody 2012, 6th International Conference
Shanghai, China
Variability of speech rhythm in synchronous speech
Workshop 'Research on Prosody in Switzerland' [SWIP 2012]
Zurich, Switzerland
The role of changing speech rhythm in forensic speaker identification